Monday, September 24, 2007

A post accomplishment slump

This morning I got off a revise-and-resubmit back to the journal, and so now I am suffering a post-accomplishment-slump. This is something Chris Uggen noticed back in the grad school days... that after getting something done that you've been working on for awhile, it's tough to then move right on to other things.

Viable options for a PAS:
- just work anyway (this rarely happens)
- find mindless work to do (may be where I am today)
- take the rest of the day off (it is beautiful outside)
- take a week/month/semester off to celebrate
Any advice?


Anonymous said...

Work on my unfulfilled dream of building a water slide from the top of Manchester Hall into mirror lake.

Brad Wright said...

Well, I was just noticing that Mirror Lake (next to the soci building here) is about 1/3 floating green stuff at this end. I could probably walk across it at this point without divine intervention.

SARA said...

Oh, if I were you I'd go for a hike in the woods this time of year and enjoy the colours of creation....alone with your thoughts....take a deep breath and be glad to be alive.

The picture you included in this post is very nice.

Anonymous said...

It's probably too late now, but I would've voted for rewarding yourself by doing some mindless things, then taking at least a few hours off.

Brad Wright said...

Good advice Sarah and Dave... in retrospect I should have taken it. Instead I got caught up on some busywork.