Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A pastor's fears

Vince Gierer, a pastor at our church, and a good friend, was talking about fear in last Sunday's message. He used the following memorable scenario to illustrate his greatest fears.


"I am up on a platform, thousands of feet in the air, and I am squeezed in with a bunch of people. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and it's a 17 foot great white shark, and she says "we've been together for awhile. It's time that you made a decision.""

Yikes, now that's scary!



Ben D. said...


SARA said...

is the humour in the fact that the shark was "female"?


Brad Wright said...

Yes Sarah, I think the point is that the pastor has a fear of romantic commitment...

SARA said...

Now I feel dense ;) I don't get jokes at all...much too serious, but blogging is changing me for the better! . When friends tell jokes, I laugh with them so they don't know I didn't get "the joke", but now they know & tease me about it...saying " you don't get it eh?"..giving everyone an even better chuckle! but the good news is: I can laugh with them!

Brad Wright said...

Jokes that are funny to hear can be difficult when written...

I think that it's cool that your friend say "eh" to you. Isn't that thought to be a Canadian mannerism?

SARA said...

Yes, we say "eh" and Americans say "huh" *smile* but the way I was raised "eh" was considered as inappropriate/improper/slang.. I will wager that 95% of Canadians use "eh"...in fact, ESL students love learning such colloquial terms.

Brad Wright said...

Well, if you put it that way... eh is probably better than huh.

SARA said...

huh? what didja say? eh? lol