I was out this a.m. taking photos at a local lake, when I heard something crashing through the brush. I looked over, and saw a buck flying through the woods (maybe running away from hunters?).
It ran on the the ice, had a hoof fall through, stuggled his way free, and then lay there on the ice to catch his breath.
Me? I was on the other shore, already set up, snapping away. Here's a nice picture of it...
I am sure, from here on out, he will aspire to be a better Bucky.
(I heard a pastor named Bucky say that once about himself and have waited years to shoehorn it into a different situation. Thanks. You complete me.)
With amazing shots like these, is there a career change in the offing ;-)?
John, that is really, really funny... it was worth the wait.
A career change? Let me think about it for .1 second... no way. Academics is the best job in the world. Complete intellectual freedom, steady income, and all I have to do is tell people what I think (which, unfortunately for them, I already do).
Still, I would *love* for photography to pay for itself someday. Right now it's like a very expensive houseguest.
Let's see - up late taking pictures of ducks in the fog, up early taking pictures of deer on the ice. When do you sleep? :-)
Good question, Ray... I think you've just explained some problems in my life!
I'm enjoying your pictures! The picture of the deer is wonderful.
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