Monday, June 21, 2010

How many stops is a book tour?

My book comes out this week,and my publisher has set up various publicity things, like articles and interviews. In two weeks I'm going to Winnipeg, Canada to tape an interview on a television show.

Here's my question. Since I'm going there to talk about my book, does that count as a book tour? You see, I've always thought that it would be cool to go on a book tour, so I'm keen to know exactly what constitutes on. If so, maybe I'll get t-shirts printed up, and on the back they will say "Tour Dates" listing the one stop to Winnipeg.


  1. Brad,

    Received the book from Amazon on Friday, will read it on my upcoming trip. So it is already out there, congrats.

  2. Okay, thanks for letting me know. I hope that you enjoy it.

  3. Add some stops at bookstores on your trip to and from Winnipeg where you go in, find your books on the shelves and put them all in front of the other books.

    Of course, if anyone walks by while you are "re-arranging" your books you should offer to sign one for them.
