Saturday, May 22, 2010

Prom night for Gus

Well, I just got back from dropping off Gus at his junior prom... a proud moment with such a handsome young man.

For reasons that I don't understand, however, he declined to follow my advice to wear a baby-blue tuxedo, and he didn't even seem to pay attention when I showed him some disco moves.  Kids these days.


  1. Gus is a very smart young man. I also wore a baby blue tux to my prom and I regret it terribly to this very day. A Tux is black. End of story. Don't let any woman tell you different.

    If you want to wear a baby blue bow tie or cumberbun with your black tux that's fine.

    Heed my words carefully, all who are reading this. The photos will last forever and your regrets just as long!

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