Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I am now officially middle-aged

Well, it finally happened... I am not officially middle-aged. This weekend I changed clothes to work outside, and I put on a pair of shorts. I noticed that I had dark brown dress socks on, and instead of changing socks or wearing sandals with no socks, I thought "you know, they look okay" and put on my sneakers and headed out the door.

I think that at this point there is no going back. It's not just wearing the dark socks and shorts, it's thinking that it's okay. What's next? Bermuda shorts? Dorky hats? Sigh...

I suppose that the only way out of this is to convince people that I'm European.


  1. I guess that I am young for a middle aged man. At 25, I still don't wear anything other than dress socks. Ever. I don't own a pair of white athletic socks and have been known to wear argyle socks with shorts. Yes, argyle. My sisters mock me for my choices, but I wear my socks with pride.

  2. I guess that I will have to learn to wear them with pride...

  3. Just start speaking with a French accent and you'll be great!

  4. Do you still have your Hawaiian shirt collection from college, when you played on the "Tourists" ultimate team? Those shirts would go great with the socks. Squid

  5. Merci Casey.

    Yes, Mark, I still have lots of Hawaiian shirts, though I did manage to get new ones (and not wear the same ones for 25 years). I haven't yet worn Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and dark socks--need to save something for my fifties.
