Saturday, February 09, 2008

Saturday stuff

My brother John, the hang gliding wizard, has posted a bunch of videos of him flying. They give a great sense of what it is like. Makes me very eager for things to warm up here.

After reading my post this week about silver shopping coins, my friend David Weakliem gave me a handful of them. After all this time, blogging has finally paid off!

Cute saying of the week. Floyd had lost his winter coat (something he's pretty good at), and he was making the case for us needing to buy him a new one. After explaining how he's looked everywhere, he concluded "and it's no where to be found." Really cute from a 7-year-old.

Jeremy Freese's thoughts about why graduate students publish in the best journals more than faculty (something I've wondered about...).

It's gray and snowy today. When are the politicians going to deliver on their promised global warming? I say if it doesn't warm up soon, Al Gore should lose his Nobel Prize!


  1. Brad,

    About 9 morningside guys were out here last week. They didn't get as good of weather as you did on your last trip.

    But, I am all the more inspired to come visit you and go up there.

  2. Bummer to travel all that distance and get some of the rare bad weather!
