Saturday, February 02, 2008

Saturday stuff

We're having a Super Bowl party tomorrow night for some members of our church, and that can mean only one thing--that the basement would flood today. Yes, it rained yesterday and last night, and the drain in the driveway clogged up. The water filled the garage then headed into every single square inch of the basement. Ugh... It took five+ hours of shop-vac time and hauling out wet furniture, carpets, and other stuff just to get it drying. We have half our neighborhood's dehumidifiers working away down there.

I was also sick last week, with a pretty good cold. How in the world do people with real, long-term sicknesses manage? A simple cold stopped me, well, cold. When people can overcome real maladies--that's remarkable.

On the brighter side, we as a family have discovered (or rediscovered) the game Risk. We've played two games and both times my youngest son has crushed everyone. Apparently world domination is one of his gifts. His new nickname--Floyd the Hun.

Ben Byerly, a frequent commenter on this blog, has started his own blog. He is a seminary student in Nairobi, and has some very interesting insights into the situation there. Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. How in the world do people with real, long-term sicknesses manage?

    I'd like to think "faith".
