Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday stuff

Today was pinewood derby day for Floyd (who is a proud cub scout). We built the car together, his mother helped him with the painting (flames motif), and raced away. He won two races and then lost. One of the other tiger cubs won it all, so the den (pack?) is excited.

Both Floyd and I learned something working on this together.
- He learned rudimentary carpentry and painting skills.
- I learned that the cub scouts expressly forbid side betting on the races.

Here's an fun post by a member of our church who is in a Christian-biker rock band. It tells of playing in a medium security prison in Massachusetts. It's worth reading just for this line:

"[We were] looking like three scruffy insurance guys who had gotten lost on their way to Applebees."

On the flight back from Chicago, there was a Marine honor guard waiting for the plane, and they unloaded a casket from the cargo hold. It was very touching to watch, and it reminded me of a pair of photographs I came across on the web. They are of a younger brother saying twice saying goodbye to his older brother.

Publish Post

1 comment:

  1. Were you to list every possible demographic or people group in our country, "United States Marine" would be at the top of my most-respected list, followed by "Graveyard Shift ER Nurse"....

    /former squid intel weenie
    //first salute was given by GYSGT Hudson, USMC (you know, you were there :) )
    ///This is the most touching post I've read on your blog yet, bro.
