Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Playing to my strengths

As part of my sociology of religion class, I'm inviting in local religious-types to talk about different aspects of what they do. Two weeks ago, Ben Dubow, of St. Paul's Collegiate Church, was kind enough to come in and talk about the organizational aspects of church-life. No surprise it went very well--Ben's a talented guy.

He arrived a little early, so he got (had?) to watch me teach. I asked him afterwards what he thought, and he said that I used the room well by walking around while I lecture and made good use of humor.

Then it hit me, two fundamental characteristics of me have finally, finally paid off: I can't sit still and I constantly jokes. For how much trouble they got me into as a student, it's nice, and maybe ironic, that they benefit me as a teacher.


  1. So how do you work flatulence into your lectures? Instead of raising their hands, they have to pull your finger?

    i keed, i keed

  2. Flatulence? You must be thinking of your other sibling...

  3. If your jokes were funny you'd be unstoppable!

  4. Andy... I'd be laughing if I weren't crying.

    (Actually, very funny)

  5. very funny, Brad...
