Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday Stuff

Here's a fun hang gliding video... of a bird zooming in on a pilot. (Thanks John)

This afternoon I go pick up my new toy: A recumbent bicycle (pictured is the model). I'm buying it used from a friend, and I am impressed by how it is more comfortable for the back and shoulders + you spend a lot more time looking at the scenery than the road (since your head is up). The big problem: It's really hard to balance, so I ride like a kid just learning.

Another change, it looks like we've adopted a pair of parakeets from Floyd's classroom. The schoolboard decided there should be no more animals in classrooms, and so here they are now. They are rather chatty but kind of fun.

The big news for the week: Floyd turned the big "07", and let's say the cake and ice cream flowed.


  1. Doh! I was so early on Floyd's gift, I forgot to call... this is the first time I've looked at my computer today.

    I'll say hi to the big guy tomorrow. That means it's been just under seven years since we've been to Connecticut. Woops. :(

    I hadn't thought about the scenery aspect of a recumbent... I just figured it'd be good for "the boys."

  2. I am so proud of my special needs brother! Susan

  3. Dude, recumbents rock. I got mine in March. I even blog about it in the "biking" category. I have pictures of my ride too. It does take a little relearning time but it is such a great ride.
    God is good

  4. Brad, what a great bike! I'm sure you'll master it in no time....happy birthday to Floyd!

  5. While the seat looks like it would give my derriere more comfort than my last attempt to bicycle, I'm with you: I keep falling over in my imaginative thoughts to ride it...

  6. JPU, that's cool that you have one... it seems that most owners are really into them.

    Jim, you understand well the value of a recumbent.

    Sarah, Floyd did have a happy birthday. Thanks.

  7. JPU, I just found a picture of your bicycle... beautiful.

  8. Thank you Susie, it took awhile, but I finally found something for my needs. :-)
