Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My sister, the fashionista

My sister, Susie, who is in Milan for a week with her husband Paolo, has spent the time hanging out with Supreme Court Justices, ambassadors, and other important people.

Turns out, however, that the usual wardrobe of a soccer mom (even a power soccer mom, like Susie) isn't quite up to snuff. So, she had to go shopping for this trip, and she was worried that she'd have nice enough clothes, given Milan's reputation for fashion.

Well, at one event, another women at the table gushed over Susie's wardrobe, asking if she had purchased it there in Milan. My sister's answer, with a laugh, "no, Stein Mart" at the South Bend mall!

I believe that's a picture of her on the right...



  1. Wow, Milan! I'm sure she'll look smashing in whatever she's "how you carry" yourself..someone once told me it's "in the walk". She'll have a great time .Milan is such an industrialized city and although women dress to the nines all over Italy, it would appear Milan is even more of a show stopper. Tell her to buy some shoes!!

  2. We were in Milan two years ago, and I was astounded by the shoe shops! So many, so expensive.
