Monday, August 20, 2007

My famous brother-in-law

My brother-in-law, Paolo Carozza, is giving a talk today along with... Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. Expected audience: several thousand. (Below is the program note).

Just shows how far you can go when you marry into right (Wright?) family ;-)


Time: 11:15

Participants: Samuel A. Alito Jr.,Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; Paolo Carozza, Professor of Law-Notre Dame University. Speech of welcome by Giovanni Castellaneta, Italian Ambassador to Washington. Introduced by Andrea Simoncini, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Macerata. (Salone D5)


  1. C'e molto impressionante...bravo!

  2. tu parla Italiano? ;)

    Me too! = anceh io!

  3. And, of course, I never hear of Paolo's accomplishments directly, or anywhere near in as straight line from him....

    I'll have to remember to stop being surprised.

  4. Holy Crap. If this guy were a relative of mine, I'd be too intimidated to show up at family events. And he does it in two languages.

    Also, it must be interesting with him on the same bill with Alito. Carozza does human rights, and Alito, when the time comes, will rule that the George Bush can torture (as long as he doesn't call it torture) and suspend habeas corpus because he's our unitary executive. Give 'em hell, Paolo.

  5. An interesting point, Jay, about human rights.

    As far as being intimidated at family gatherings... it gets even worse. He's a really nice guy. At least he'd have the decency to be a jerk.

  6. The Italians I know, especially those born in Italy that come from an educated background steeped in tradition are THE most proper, well mannered and sensible people. Almost aristocratic in nature with very little interest in "goofing" around..a rather a serious lot. Not only that but impeccably dressed, but that's not a surprise since even the police uniforms in Italy are designed by Armani.

  7. Interesting Sarah... that certainly fits him. Not a lot of goofball in him.

    Cool about the police uniforms.
