Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday stuff

One of the good things of rural living (though I'm only a block away from UConn) are the animals. Last week, I saw in our yard a fox, 4 bluebirds, and bats in several hour period.

The pastor at our church, St. Paul's, is a remarkably gifted leader. As I've posted before, he's trying to get a service going at the mall, and he's hit a corporate-brick wall. (Probably religious discrimination... let everything else in the mall, but not a church). Ben is fighting back and looking for other options. Here's what's going on. Also here.

Latest sign that my oldest son Joshua (now that he's in high school, I'll use his real name) is getting a better education than I did: He and his friend were laughing at a comic strip that his friend wrote... and it was in Latin. (Which I still think is the language spoken in Latvia).

I think that Joshua is growing again. The other night he made a huge sandwhich, ate it all, and then had seconds at dinner 30 minutes later.

This is one of our favorite movies. I can't believe that it's 20 years old.

My latest athletic endeavor: I did a triathalon last week. 24 mile bicycle ride, 1 mile walk in the middle of it to a gas station to fix a flat tire, 30 soak in pool on raft after it. Sweet!


  1. does this mean that Floyd is just a name you made up to protect the innocent? Please say it ain't so...lie to me...

  2. BATs! I have a good story about one of those little creatures. I should write a post about it sometime.

    Good luck and "prayers" to St.Pauls. If CNN had news of it Larry King could do a story :)

    LATIN!!! Love it! Good for them!!..that's totally awesome. BTW, is that the flag of Latvia you have up?

    Congratulations on the triathalon accomplishment..and ty for my saturday stuff ;)

  3. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to deny... that my son is innocent or that I've lied. Both are true, sadly.

    Actually, if I had known I would have two sons, I would have named them Ben and Jerry!

    Yes, it's the flag of Latvia. Long may their speaking of Latin live on!

  4. congrats on the tri, my man. your story reminds me of the marathon where i showed up late, parked far away, and ran a mile to the starting line. i cursed that mile for the next four hours...

  5. Ouch, that extra mile running "pregame" sounds like it didn't help at all.

    I seem to stay away from athletic things with start times...
